Friday, March 17, 2006

Stressed-Out Ramblings

I seem to be getting worse and worse at posting regularly! I guess it's because my life is getting more and more hectic, and seems to be spinning beyond my control sometime. The problem is, I don't know how to slow down. This pace of life is normal for where we live, and I guess I should be thankful that I am NEVER bored! It would be nice, though, to have a week where I was able to come home immediately after work every day, not be too tired to cook dinner, my husband show up at a normal time, and not have to leave the house again. I'm obviously dreaming when it comes to that, and the sad thing is that none of the activities are for my son. I work 40+ hours per week, am an officer with my sorority's alumnae chapter, am an independent consultant for Creative Memories, and just finished a weekly tap-dancing class. Besides those scheduled dates, I still have to make time for grocery shopping and any other errand I need to run once I get off work. I don't want to leave them for the weekend, and run around non-stop.

I've come to the conclusion that I need to quit selling Creative Memories. I think that would eliminate a lot of stress in my life, but I don't know how to quit. After doing our taxes and seeing how much money I lost on it last year, it would be MUCH cheaper to just be a customer and buy the products at full price. At least then I would have the desire to work on my own albums! No one is showing up to my monthly crop nights, which are a lot of work. I race home from school, run to the grocery store, then come home and have less than two hours to make food, clean up, and set up a product display. I then have to worry if my son will behave while people are at our house. I also don't have any shows booked for the future right now. I know I am supposed to be making phone calls every day to customers, but that is like punishment to me. I e-mail them at least once a month, and I would just be bothering the same people every time. I don't want people to stop answering the phone when I call, because they don't want to hear about Creative Memories.

There are only ten weeks of school left until the summer. If I can just hold on until then, I'll be okay. As of right now, we have no plans, and Zach will stay home with me. I am sure I will find things to fill our days; otherwise, I'll lie around and read, and he'll watch too much TV. We'll both snack all day, as well. Aren't we the exciting two?

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