Monday, November 27, 2006

Can I Have a Do-Over for November?

Well, another month has gone by without me posting something here, but there has honestly not been much worth writing about lately. I was sick with various sinus ailments from October 24th, when I got a flu shot, until early last week. I was tired, congested, cranky, and coughing. I am still a little hoarse, and not 100% better, but am finally feeling human again. It cost me three of my precious eight sick days that I have this year, so I guess I can't get sick again for a while. Now that that's done...

I've been thinking a lot lately about what I would like to do career-wise. I am very restless right now, and really think I need to make a change for next year. There are so many factors to consider, though. I would hate to leave my friends at school, but feel a little disconnected from them this year. We don't hang out much outside of school, and I'm fine with that. All I want to do after work is come home and sit on the couch. I know that's not completely normal, but I've just been anti-social lately, unless it's completely on my own terms. We're so busy that an afternoon with no commitments is bliss to me.

Aside from my friends, I don't feel like I'm being challenged in my job. I do like social studies, but fifth graders seem to come with more and more attitude problems and emotional disturbances every year. It's getting harder to actually teach, rather than focusing on discipline. Plus, I've heard that I am going to have to teach writing next year. I am a very bad writing teacher, and wouldn't ever grade any of my students' writing assignments. We have huge classes this year, and will have even more kids next year, until another school opens in the fall of 2008. Things are crowded now; I can't imagine what they will be like next school year!

I am really considering teaching art, since I am certified to do that. If not, I'd like to at least go down to elementary. I want to get off school at the same time as Zach, and not have to take off work to schedule doctors' appointments. Most offices now close at 4:00, which is the same time that I get off work. I would LOVE to only work half-time, so I can volunteer in Zach's classroom. I can't imagine losing half my salary, though, especially since we are planning to buy a new car in the spring.

Maybe I should just scrap it all and go to culinary school, or open a business. I'm just dissatisfied, and I don't know what would make me happy right now. I know my future isn't in selling Creative Memories full-time; I'm definitely not cut out for that. Will someone just tell me where I can find another job with equal pay, the same number of days to work per year, and no nights, weekends, or holidays? That would be perfect.

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