Has it really been almost a month since I last posted? I keep thinking I need to post, and have ideas for new posts, but just never got around to it. I have lots of pictures to share, too. I'll get there, but probably not until after December 8th. That is the date of my final exam, and then I have five blissful weeks off. I can't wait! I have lots of plans for cleaning, organizing, Christmas decorating and shopping...kind of sounds like my lofty summer goals all over again, doesn't it?
Let's see, what have we been up to over here? I had my second test (another B, yay!) in mid-October, then third test at the end of October. I made Bs on both of them, so my average is doing pretty well. I have my last exam before the final this coming Friday, and of course, I have a crazy week ahead of me. I'll get back to that in a bit.
Weekdays are a blur to me. Monday and Tuesday are lecture days, Wednesday and Thursday are clinicals. The weekends get me through it all. Mom and Dad came in the weekend of October 24th, and it was nice to spend some time with them. We went to a pumpkin patch, bought the kids some fall clothes, Dad and Darren fixed a tree that was leaning on our front porch, and best of all, Mom and Dad babysat the kids so Darren and I could go out to dinner to celebrate our anniversary. We'll see Mom and Dad again for Thanksgiving; they are coming here again for the holiday. I hate that we don't get to Lafayette anymore, but I can't give up a whole weekend to not study.
Halloween weekend, we had big plans to attend a shopping center event on Friday, then a party that night. Zachary had a fever, so we had to miss those plans and let him rest up for Saturday night and Trick-or-Treating around the neighborhood. Zoe wasn't too impressed until she made the connection that she was getting candy! That she could eat! Then, she was into the whole thing. Later that night, we went over to some friends' house for their neighborhood's annual chili cook-off. It was a lot of fun, and the kids had a great time running around the cul-de-sac.
Last weekend, we took the kids to the Texas Renaissance Festival on Saturday. We hadn't been in three years, but nothing has changed. We were able to make it for four hours with the kids. We rode some rides, ate some food, and walked around. It would be nice to go back without them, so we could actually sit and watch some of the shows or just people-watch. Zoe did enjoy wearing her pink tutu all day, and we bought her some fairy wings. She walked around, watching her shadow on the ground. It was really cute!
This weekend, Zach has a birthday party tomorrow evening, but no other plans. I'm going to use the time to try to get caught up on laundry and schoolwork. I've been fighting a sinus infection all week, so haven't felt like doing a whole lot.
I can't believe the semester is almost over! This is my last week of lecture, we have skills check-off in lab, and it's our last week of clinical. After our test on Friday, I'm not sure what we are doing the next few weeks until our final. I know there's a lab final in there somewhere, and a review session, but I don't think I will have to go to campus much. That's fine with me!
I just want to survive this week. This unit that we are being lectured on has tons of readings and objective questions to answer, then it will be included on Friday's test. Also this week, we are having a potluck luncheon in clinical on Wednesday, so I will have to cook food for that. Thursday night is our Cub Scout pack's annual cake auction, so there will have to be a cake baked and decorated for that. Friday is Zoe's class Thanksgiving celebration, and I have to take a dessert. They will be lucky if they get homemade cookies, but more than likely, there will be store-bought cookies purchased for the occasion. I can't wait until next weekend already!
I'll try to post again tomorrow with some pictures. Also, I am going to be doing a product review soon for Southern Recipe pork rinds, so stay posted for that.
A “Sign” That Your Manager Has Had A Long Day
10 hours ago
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