Saturday, June 23, 2007

I'm Bored!

Bed rest is getting to me. I feel like there is so much that I should be doing, but can't. We have no clean clothes or groceries, and Zach is spreading mess all over the house. What I want to do most right now is bake a cake, because I am craving that. I know that it would not be a good idea for me to stand up and do that right now, so I am being a good girl, and either reading or playing on the computer. It's hard, though.

Darren has been working really hard the last few days to get his work done and take care of the house. He's done a great job of taking care of me, but Zach is getting impatient with me. He can't understand that Mommy can't wait on him hand and foot like he is used to, and is getting cranky. He's watching way too much TV right now, but with no friends on our street to play with, I don't know what else he could be doing. Maybe it's time to learn to do some chores around the house. He spent most of the day yesterday with a friend from school, which was wonderful. Darren was able to work uninterrupted, and I finished two library books.

Today, Darren is trying to finish our never-ending backyard shed project. We bought this shed in March, and he started working on it in early May. It has rained every day that he has had the opportunity to work on it, and all that is left is to secure the roof to the sides, and put the doors on. Then, we can start hauling stuff out of the garage to put in it. That will be so nice! In the meantime, I think Zach is trying to cover as much square footage in the house as possible with toys and art supplies. I think he is going to succeed.

My mom is coming in tomorrow to stay until Thursday. It will be nice to have her here, to get the house into shape. She has offered to do laundry and cook, as well. I just hope Zach listens to her and isn't rude. He's gotten quite an attitude lately, and if he is corrected by someone other than Darren and me, he gets angry. What a fun age 5 is!

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