Wednesday, September 26, 2007

38 Weeks and 2 Days

I had my final doctor's appointment today. I waited over an hour to be called back, then more time for the ultrasound room. I'm glad she's busy, but I could have done something else with my time.

Anyway, I've lost a pound, and according to the ultrasound, Zoe weighs between 8 and 9 pounds. Those things always overestimate the weight, so we'll vote is 7 pounds, 6 ounces. I have dilated enough for the doctor to be able to break my water, and she is still in position.

Now, for the not-so-certain news: I have an appointment with the hospital on Friday. I am #1 on their list. I have to call at 5:30 Friday morning, and they will let me know if I can go in immediately. If there is no room, I have to sit around and wait on Friday for an empty bed, and they will take me as late as 5:00 Friday evening. The control freak planner in me does not like this plan AT ALL. I want to know that I am having her on Friday, and that everything will run smoothly. My doctor is very optimistic that there will be room, but if not, they will try to get me in this weekend. Don't they understand that my sister is flying in for the weekend, and Darren has taken time off from work? I guess not. I just have to hope for the best, and keep telling myself that it will happen Friday. If not, I will be one miserable pregnant lady.

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