Wednesday, September 12, 2007

36 and a Half Weeks

Tired. Extremely tired. Everything hurts. Belly is huge. Stayed home today to sleep. Will work until next Friday. Doctor yesterday. Have lost three pounds (so 7 pounds total gain). One centimeter, 70% effaced, plenty of amniotic fluid, placenta mature. Still being induced on the 28th.

Had shower Saturday. Got lots of cool and useful presents. Have lots of thank-you notes that I will take too long to write. Weird that some friends and family members didn't come or call. Oh, well.

Still need to wash baby clothes and sterilize bottles and pack suitcase. Can't get motivated to do that, because it involves multiple trips up and down the stairs. Too tired to do that.

Way too many commitments in the next week, but can't forgo any of them. Zach's Open House Thursday. Birthday party Saturday. Baby shower for a friend Sunday. My Open House next Tuesday, which means a 12-hour work day for me. Shower after school next Thursday. Cub Scout meeting next Thursday. Birthday party next Saturday. Too much!

Going nap now while I can.

1 comment:

  1. just dropping a bit of support here :) but I'm sure u will be alright!
