Monday, August 04, 2008

We're Back!

We had a wonderful time with my family this weekend, and as usual, the time flew by too quickly. We arrived at my parents' house around 11:00 Friday night. Our trip took a long time because we had to run some errands here on the way out, and we also stopped for a sit-down dinner on the road. No one felt like fast food, and I wanted to feed Zoe, so it was worth the extra hour en route.

By the time we arrived, everyone was exhausted, and the babies woke up. We stayed up much too late, then had an appointment with a photographer at 9:00 Saturday morning. It was outdoors, and the setting was gorgeous, but I am sure that we all had bags under our eyes, and sweat running down our faces in the photos! After the photo shoot, we all felt like we had to keep moving, or we'd fall down asleep. We got poboys from one of our favorite places for lunch, my sister and I did some shopping without the babies, then I had to take Zachary to buy a toy. It was his reward (bribery) for cooperating during the photo shoot, and he was anxious to claim his reward! After that trip, Darren, Natalie and I took Zachary to get a snow cone (yellow cake with cream-YUM!), then drove around Lafayette for a little while. There are so many locally-owned stores there that I would love to visit, but I know there never is the time to do that.

Some of our former neighbors and close friends came over for grilled steak that night, and we all went to bed much earlier than the night before. This morning, we all got ready, then headed to church for Mass then Carter's baptism. We sat in the cry room, and church was packed. I don't think it's worth it to me to haul two kids to church very often and keep them under control! After Mass, we went up on the altar, and Carter and another baby were baptized. It was a nice ceremony, even though the deacon had to constantly refer to his handbook, and he did some things out of order.

After church, we rushed back to Mom and Dad's to change clothes and get ready for some family and friends to come over. Everyone had a nice time, and it was great to see aunts, uncles, cousins, former neighbors, and other old friends. By the time we loaded up the car and headed home, we were so tired!

We had a fairly uneventful trip home. We stopped for gas once, stopped at the state line to stretch our legs, and stopped to get dinner near our house. We did have to take a detour outside of Lake Charles because of road construction, and there was a spectacular lightning display outside of Beaumont.

I am glad to be home, but sad that my time with my sister and new nephew was so short! He is adorable, and his cheeks make you want to squeeze them!

I have a research paper, major test, and lab practical due Wednesday night, and also a quiz tomorrow night, so I will be hitting the books and ignoring the house and kids for the next couple of days. I can't wait for my final on August 13th!

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